The 2 party system is single round based. 2 rounds would usually be needed for 3 candidates, 3 rounds for 4, etc. 

However, since both likely presidential nominees have such low approval #s, a 3rd candidate could run and avoid being a spoiler if they pulled votes roughly equally from the other 2, besides getting more non voters to turn out.  

Trump at 46% favorable  -Gallup

Democrats ("people rule") avg just 12% out of 100 on NTU Rates, the most comprehensive fiscal rating on bill votes, pushing for more centralized govt power- govocracy.

Needed- a freedom based, compassionate, unifying, flexible plan, then the candidate for 2024 and state and federal races beyond. 

One example..

- Minimum 5-7 elimination rounds 'ranked choice' voting

- No names on the ballot *

- Reduce all federal and state office terms from 6 and 4 years to 3 and 2

- All govt termed employees recallable after 1 year with a polls based, non signature election qualifying process

- 28% taxes and spending plus 12% regulatory/indirect govt costs on avg income, or $10 tril. ann. fed, state, local out of $25T of income (instead of current 31% taxes, 38% spending plus 16% (?) indirect, or $13.5T) 

- Needs test, loans instead of grants, require work, if able, for most programs and devolve as much as possible to states

- Avg $400(?) monthly housing rental subsidy loans

- 20% mfg tax cut

- Increased licensing of M.D.s and non M.D.s

- Optional direct care loans, including dental and counseling

- Tax credit or voucher for high deductible insurance 

- Allow telehealth and purchase of insurance outside of home state

- Patient/parent and practitioner freedom in prevention and healing approaches

- I.D. all immigrants

- Increased work visas

- Apply for visas in home countries

- Price based, tax revenue neutral energy and plastics conservation **

- Environmental tax on subsidized imports

- Drill in the 1002 area of Alaska's ANWR

- Optional $8k avg annual K-12 tax credit or voucher, $10k loan for college

- Child care loans, increased adoption assistance

- Voter determined allowable # of weeks for abortion 

- Remove Medicaid/insurance coverage for circumcisions

- Neighborhood partnership on police staffing

- Keep violent people in jail

- Background and mental health check, gun allowance with continual responsibilities

- Remove federal involvement in cannabis

- Faster, simpler option for legal disputes

- Remove tax preferences for livestock production for slaughter

- I.D., signature, paper backups for voting

- Maintain existing progressive taxation (CBO)

- Simplified, progressive, optional tax code

- 10% asset tax over $1 billion, 20% over $10B, 30% over $20B, non annual, deficit devoted

- Tax incentives for increased small apartment supply

- Federal Reserve money supply limits

- Regulatory simplification

- Tech/biometric data anonymized unless opted into or police use

- Reduced concentration in media/tech industries

- Increased biotech oversight

- Increased citizen oversight of govt agencies

- Increased intl poverty spending 

- Weekly policy programs

- Intl citizens' dialogues on... peace 


*   No ballot names equal more voter freedom, no early committed votes, less party power, a more level $$ and media playing field. No primaries mean shorter election seasons which might encourage shorter office terms and even simple recall options, equaling more accountability and less market value/$$ incentive per campaign. 

** A) Replace tax deductions for business energy/oil use and heavy vehicle purchase with lower tax rates. 

    B) Including tax, $4/gallon, lower tax rates in other areas

For president, a 3rd candidate can be nominated by a representative sample of citizens from a list of declared candidates using ranked choice voting.